Funding Resources for Musicians: Unlock Financial Support in 2023

Please note that this document, prepared by Kiremico Media in July 2022, is based on the funding template of INITIATIVE MUSIK.

For detailed information and to access the funding template, visit the official website:


If you require assistance in navigating the funding process, book a call with us, and our experts will provide the guidance you need.

About the Funding Plan

The funding plan provided here has been translated from the original file. Refer to the "Explanations" tab for instructions on which cells to modify and the values to input. The majority of the plan can be found in the "Finanzplan // Financial Plan" tab.

Key Points of Innitiative Musik Funding:

Round 58: Applications Open on July 13, 2022, at 12:00 p.m.

  • Duration of 58th round: September 12, 2022 – June 30, 2023.

For a total expenditure of EUR 10,000, the maximum funding share available is 85 percent of the total expenditure. In this scenario, a minimum proven own contribution of 15 percent is required.

With a total expenditure of EUR 120,000, the maximum funding share available is 50 percent of the total expenditure. In this case, a minimum proven own contribution of 50 percent is required.

Funding is capped at EUR 60,000 per project per year. According to Initiative Musik guidelines, no applicant or co-applicant, including legally independent subsidiaries or affiliated companies within the meaning of Section 15 of the German Stock Corporation Act, should receive funding exceeding EUR 240,000 per year. Projects with applied funding amounts below EUR 8,500 are generally not considered, meaning the minimum total costs required for artist funding are EUR 10,000.

However, it is not recommended to submit two applications in the same funding round. It would make sense for an application to contain several of the possible funding items (production, promotion/marketing, tour).

For musicians seeking financial support, grants, and assistance, these funding resources offer invaluable opportunities. By utilizing these resources, you can fuel your music projects and advance your career.

At Kiremico Media, we are committed to supporting musicians in their pursuit of funding and providing comprehensive guidance throughout the application process.


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