Effective Music Release Plan for 2021 - Kiremico Template
Calling all musicians! Are you in search of a FREE and user-friendly framework to organize your upcoming album, track, or video launch? Look no further, because we have just what you need!
After meticulously studying 50 informative videos from various "Music Marketing Gurus" on YouTube, we have developed a comprehensive tool specifically designed to streamline your release process. This invaluable resource will help you effectively plan and execute your next music releases with ease.
No more wasting time on endless discussions. We have created a video tutorial that explains how to utilize this powerful framework. Simply watch the video, follow the instructions, and utilize the copy-paste functionality provided.
Not sure how to launch your releases? Book a call with us
In order to make it easier for you guys, we would like to mention that this plan is based in part on watching more than 50 videos and putting their plans together as well as our previous experiences launching the Kiremico Sessions Videos.
To get started, we invite you to download our meticulously crafted Release Plan, tailored to meet the unique needs of musicians like you. This template offers a step-by-step guide to help you organize every aspect of your music release, ensuring that no detail is overlooked.
At Kiremico Media, we understand the importance of a well-structured release plan in achieving success in the competitive music industry. That's why we have developed this comprehensive template, offering you a valuable resource to optimize your music launch.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to organize and execute your music releases like a pro. Download our Release Plan now and embark on a journey towards a successful and impactful music career.
Remember, strategic planning is the key to a successful music release. Let our template guide you toward achieving your goals and reaching a wider audience with your music.
You can Copy / Paste the Google Sheets with the Launch Plan from the button above. There you’ll find a document with 3 Main Tabs.
The ‘RELEASE PLAN’ Tab is a 30-Day Plan that you can follow, day by day to achieve a successful launch. This is the essential part of the work, It is wise to follow, measure, learn, and improve.
The ‘CONTACT LIST‘ Tab is where you can have your contacts organized for the individuals and organizations you’ll be contacting to achieve your goals.
The ‘WATCHED VIDEOS‘ Tab is where we listed all the videos watched and their campaign plan. Even many of them were not very structured about what to do, we tried to make sense of what they talked about and frame it in a more useful way.
These are the tabs you’ll find in the document
The first thing to define before starting your campaign is “Who Am I Providing Value?“ This is a question that many music creators actually do not ask themselves but it is a Step-1 on the road to success. If you do not know which audience you provide value, satisfaction, joy, nostalgia, or to whom your Music Resonates, you may be sending messages to nobody.
Example => If your Music talks about Veganisms, then, you want to target those audiences that are into that topic. Same with Surfers, or Feminism, etc.
Buch of talk is deployed about “How the Algorithm” works, or “Hack the Algorithms” on those videos regarding how Spotify works. Unfortunately, that is just talking. The basic of Internet search engine optimization is to get as many people listening to your music or watching your videos as soon as the content is available to the platform itself spot content creators that add value to users and how these users remain on the platform.
If there is an algorithm to Hack here is YOURS. And that is basic elementary school mathematics mixed with reality. You need to make a calculation on the Percentage of Overall followers you have that will actually Go where you want to take them. Get this number and try to make it increase the NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS & CONVERSION RATES through future releases.
Hack your Algorithm => Do your own math.
Start the process by getting the right images, videos, and Album Covers that you’ll use during the plan to engage and tease your audience about the next cool thing that is coming over on Day “0” and the following days through the Video or the Live Concert.
Make sure that the Assets also include Call-to-Action Text that let people know what to do (Pre-Save, or Watch, or Subscribe, etc). If you don’t have a graphic designer, you can make those with free templates of Canva or other services.
Create Images and videos that include Call to Actions
There are a lot of options to do that, such as Distributors + Publishing services, such as Distrokit, Ditto, CD-Baby.
Make sure you use the one that fits your costs best and that allows you to create a Pre-Save link to the platform you want to drive the traffic into.
Upload soon enough to have things ready by the time you start deploying the Multimedia assets on your Social Media.
For the most part, the videos I watched, suggest to use an automatic-playlist-pitch service such as Submithub where you can pay a few bucks, and playlists curators will decide whether or not to put your track on them or to do Spotify Editorials which are absolutely crowded with requests. But for the most part, you’ll have to either contact them one by one, after screening what they play, what type of audience they have.
Though the videos that I watched do not really I strongly suggest providing value to the Playlist Manager, by contacting them, for example, with the intention to put them on a blog post of “The Best 10 Playlists for Vegan Lovers” that you can easily create on Medium
So, in a sequence, I suggest 2 ideas:
Find the Playlists (they have their E-Mail or IG Handles)
Create a Blog or Post that adds value to them (ex: “Best Playlists for Surf Music“)
Then contact them with a value-added message “Hey, I just added your playlist to my blog”
Create a curated playlist on Spotify
Call other Musicians or Labels to be part of the playlists
Promote the Playlist.
This way, you’ll move the “favor balance” into your side. Keep always in mind that providing value is the best way to get value back :)
Check the contact addresses of the playlist and add value to them.
Same with the playlist, keep adding value to these potential partners by first sending me a “cheer up” message such as “Hey, I love what you’re doing, keep it up” in order to get a response from them. Radios are looking mainly for advertisers, but if you dig into the Local Radio Stations or University Radio Stations, then you can make a Win, using the same SEO-Rich Content of the Blog Strategy + They may help you to your future strategies.
Use their Live Chats to interact in a Guerrilla way, such as Asking “Can you guys play this artist’s Track”?
Remember that Podcast World is a great way to promote your music. You can offer the track to be played and many small Podcasters will be happy to engage in a cross-posting collaboration.
On the Labels and Bookings, the game is similar to the Bloggers and Radios. Avoid the “Me, Me, Me“ and work strategically before contacting them, and provide value.
If you were doing the Playlist, you may want to contact those Record Labels that you are planning to collaborate in the future, place one of their Indie Artist’s tracks on your Playlist, then send them an email with “I just promoted your musician on my playlist, if you are releasing new music, let me know“
For the Booking agents, you may want to have a few videos ready and propose to them an Online Concert with their Logo watermarked, so they can publish on THEIR Social Media. Ultimately, you want to engage with booking agents by providing value to both them and yourself. You Make the content for them, they’ll distribute that, and you’ll potentially gain a new Fresh Audience.
Facebook and Reddit groups are still a good source of Traffic to exploit, and you should also do it wisely and engage with others before you post there randomly.
If you have a Playlist you can make a big banner promoting the playlist through your Artist community. Also, any sort of Strategic collaboration with other musicians could also work fine.
When collaborating with Musicians, it is recommended that you can do it with those that are already having some traction on the platform that you want to dominate (For Example: Bandcamp) and that hopefully have 2x to 4x more followers that you do.
Make sure that the messages are effective, and to the point, using big letter banners.
You need to get the maximum reach of your Name and Song on other Musician’s or your Friends' channels.
By having fellow musicians playing snippets of your song, or having friends on IG lipsyncing the lyrics in front of the camera, you'll be able to capitalize on other's followers and drive traffic to your objective.
For this to work effectively, you'll have to make sure of these steps:
When asking musicians to play a snippet, make sure they add that video to their channel, as you are expecting their audience to see the video, then to come and look at your profile.
Try to tell musicians in advance and ask them to put your name on the description - or just write the description for them with your @ and Pre-Save or PREMIERE Links.
You may need to give the favor back sooner or later, so be wise about who you'll partner with.
If you can organize a specific part to lipsync or to play in specific parts of the song, then you can compile this material to make a larger video or promotional campaign.
Make sense to choose musicians or friends who are part of a circle that you want to tackle. Give them specific dates for them to post the material. Offer templates to make communication more effective.
Good example of multiple partnerships done by IG @paulrhythms_
10) WHATSAPP Contacts
There are many reasons why I think WhatsApp is the best platform for Massive Customized messages and, I'll detail a few here:
Allows creating Broadcasts (Distribution Lists) that let you group up to 250 Contacts in one list and send them a message to all of them simultaneously.
Contacts do not know they are part of a Broadcast.
You can have many Broadcast lists, making the communication effective and grouping your contacts by Type of message or Type of Language.
Now, the key is to deliver value first. Try making a broadcast and send a simple message that says
"Hey, how's it going?"
Once they reply, you'll start engaging in a short conversation and ask them to do what you want them to do (Pre-save, etc).
Don't use the broadcast to send long useless texts such as
"Friends and family, blablabla, go check my link blablabla, and I hope you're doing fine, take care"
Those messages are highly ineffective and state that you don't care about them. Be Kind with your contacts, and ask them how are they doing before requesting something. They'll happy to help if you care about them first.
During the days that you are moving towards your release dates, you'll have to deploy social media content on different platforms at different times of the day.
Unfortunately, many musicians are trying to copy what the others do, rather than figuring it out, by continuously testing time, what the best moment to do it is.
Facebook Offers a free to use scheduling tool that lets you program your posts for IG and FB in one platform, so you can do that in advance.
12) EMAIL LISTS - School / Trips / Not on WhatsApp
For all those contacts that you have around that are not close enough for WhatsApp or not friends for Facebook, you can use email.
Think about past work colleagues, old sports buddies, organizations.
There are many email launchers, but I think Mailchimp is the best and easier one to use from all those.
You can make nice looking emails and create:
A/B tests to trigger the best performing email out of a test group.
Divide emails by Segments (Such as Cities) to make your emails more personalized.
Mesure performance and opening rates.
IF you made it till here, then tell me what is the best challenge you can offer your audience by leaving a comment in the video or down here in the comment section below!
Kiremico is supported by hardware video company VIDEOS 2B and marketing company ASIA2MARKET